
Wellman 是中國先進 X 光檢測系統的領先製造商。我們由一群對創新技術充滿熱情、經驗豐富的專業人士團隊創立,專注於設計、開發和生產最先進的 X 射線設備,用於半導體等各種高端製造行業、電子、太陽能光伏、LED、鋰電池、航空航天、汽車等。

pcb defects

What are the types of PCB Welding Defects?

Introduction In the world of electronics manufacturing, printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the backbone of virtually every electronic device we use. These intricate boards are assembled through a process called PCB welding, which involves soldering electronic components onto the board. However, despite advancements in technology, PCB welding defects can still occur, leading to potential issues […]

What are the types of PCB Welding Defects? 閱讀更多 ”


Demystifying AOI and AXI in the SMT Industry

In the ever-evolving world of electronics manufacturing, quality control and defect detection are paramount for ensuring reliable and high-performing products. Two key technologies that have revolutionized the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) industry are Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) and Automated X-Ray Inspection (AXI). These advanced inspection systems play a crucial role in identifying and rectifying defects,

Demystifying AOI and AXI in the SMT Industry 閱讀更多 ”


來自美國的 X 射線零件計數器新訂單

Our company has received an order from an American client for two of our X-ray parts counters. This order further establishes our presence in the global X-ray machine market. The X-ray parts counters ordered utilize advanced imaging technology to accurately count components. These machines are valuable tools in industries like electronics, automotive, and aerospace, where

來自美國的 X 射線零件計數器新訂單 閱讀更多 ”



親愛的客戶,本公司因國定假日,將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日至 10 月 6 日暫停營業,敬請諒解。在此期間,我們的製造業務、客戶服務以及所有其他業務功能將暫停。我們將於 2024 年 10 月 7 日 (星期一) 恢復正常營運。如果您有任何 [...]

國定假日公司停業通知 閱讀更多 ”



2024年9月14日 - Wellman最近在Nepcon Vietnam 2024展會上大獲成功。在 9 月 11-13 日為期 3 天的活動中,我們展示了最新的創新機器設計,並與來自越南和大東南亞地區的尊貴客戶進行了交流。"我們對於展會上的熱烈反應感到非常高興。

越南展完美落幕 閱讀更多 ”


什么是 PCB 镜面板

介绍 PCB 镜面板的定义 PCB 镜面板又称双面印刷电路板(PCB),是电子工业中的重要组件。它是一种特殊的印刷电路板,由绝缘基板两面的导电层组成。这些电路板设计用于在 [...] 上容纳电子元件和互连。

什么是 PCB 镜面板 閱讀更多 ”



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