Blog zur Röntgeninspektion

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X6000 inspection machine is delivered to Shenzhen client

At WELLMAN, understanding unique client needs and tailoring solutions is paramount. Our dedicated team ensured seamless execution for this project, upholding highest standards of quality, ...

Everything you need to know about Hamamatsu X-ray tube

Introduction In the world of medical imaging, industrial inspection, and scientific research, X-ray tubes play a crucial role. Among the leading manufacturers of these essential ...

Successful Showcase at the 2024 Shenzhen Nepcon Exhibition

We are thrilled to share the highlights from our recent participation in the 2024 Shenzhen Nepcon Exhibition, held from November 6th to 8th. Partnering with ...
Sri Lanka

Wellman Expands Global Footprint With First Delivery to Sri Lanka

Wellman is proud to announce the shipment of one of its industry-leading X-ray counters to an electronics manufacturing customer in Sri Lanka. This marks an ...
pcb defects

What are the types of PCB Welding Defects?

Introduction In the world of electronics manufacturing, printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the backbone of virtually every electronic device we use. These intricate boards are ...
Wissen über die Industrie

Demystifying AOI and AXI in the SMT Industry

In the ever-evolving world of electronics manufacturing, quality control and defect detection are paramount for ensuring reliable and high-performing products. Two key technologies that have ...

Stärken Sie Ihr Qualitätssicherungs-Team mit der Röntgenlösung von Wellman

Wir bei Wellman haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die fortschrittlichsten Röntgensysteme anzubieten, um unsere Kunden bei der Verbesserung ihrer Qualitätskontroll- und Bestandsverwaltungsprozesse zu unterstützen. Von Halbleitern bis hin zur Luft- und Raumfahrt vertrauen die anspruchsvollsten Hersteller der Welt auf unsere Lösungen.

Sind Sie bereit, die Röntgenlösung von Wellman zu nutzen? Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf und fordern Sie eine kostenlose Beratung an.

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