Blog zur Röntgeninspektion

Erhalten Sie klare Antworten, nützliche Tipps und klare Erklärungen zu Röntgeninspektionssystemen.

Lithium Battery

The Application and Challenges of X-ray Testing in the Lithium Battery Industry

Intro Importance of lithium batteries In today’s world, lithium-ion batteries have become an integral part of our lives, powering everything from smartphones and laptops to ...
components counter

How X-ray Component Counters Save Labor for Counting Reel Components?

Foreword In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, accurate component counts are crucial for maintaining smooth operations and meeting production demands. However, manually counting vast quantities ...

X-Ray Inspection System: A Key Force in Quality Control of Electronic Manufacturing Industry

Intro In the ever-evolving world of electronics manufacturing, quality control is paramount. With intricate components and complex assemblies, even the slightest defect can have disastrous ...
industrial flat panel detector

What are the types of industrial flat panel detectors?

Intro In today’s industrial world, flat panel detectors have become indispensable tools for various applications, from non-destructive testing to medical imaging. These advanced devices capture ...
Chinese New Year

Notice of Company Closure for Chinese New Year

Dear Valued Customers,   We would like to inform you that our company will be on holiday from January 18th to February 7th, 2025, in ...
Wissen über die Industrie

What is the manufacturing process of PCBA?

Introduction to PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) In the ever-evolving world of electronics, Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBAs) have become the backbone of countless devices ...

Stärken Sie Ihr Qualitätssicherungs-Team mit der Röntgenlösung von Wellman

Wir bei Wellman haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die fortschrittlichsten Röntgensysteme anzubieten, um unsere Kunden bei der Verbesserung ihrer Qualitätskontroll- und Bestandsverwaltungsprozesse zu unterstützen. Von Halbleitern bis hin zur Luft- und Raumfahrt vertrauen die anspruchsvollsten Hersteller der Welt auf unsere Lösungen.

Sind Sie bereit, die Röntgenlösung von Wellman zu nutzen? Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf und fordern Sie eine kostenlose Beratung an.

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